Our Programmes
MARC project: Addiction Support Services
The MARC Project delivers person-centred support programmes to individuals who are experiencing difficulties maintaining their tenancies due to substance use problems. Through Floating Support many service users have made significant changes in their lives; reducing alcohol/drug use, maintaining tenancies, accessing healthcare, commencing training courses and volunteering.
The Drop-In Centre normally opens 4 days a week and acts as a "support hub” delivering a range of supports, including contact with peers and volunteers, meals, advice/ information on benefits and housing, health checks, social activities and training.

LYFE: Link Youth For Everyone
LYFE (Link Youth For Everyone) includes a drop-in which provides a safe space and support for young people. Advice Clinics are included on a range of health topics. Young Parent Support provides support for families and young people.
Mentoring support around esteem, growth, challenge and resilience, budgeting and life skills is given and Group Work providing advice and courses in a range of topics, including positive decision making, mindfulness, mental health issues, cooking and parenting skills.

ESOL: English For Speakers of Other Languages
English For Speakers of Other Languages provides lessons for adults every Monday evening. Lessons are also available in English for Special Purposes. Tuesday mornings there is a Stepping Stones class with mothers and children helping mothers increase levels of confidence and assertiveness.
The course also provides examples of language-rich activities (like book reading, story telling, singing and rhyme) which is of benefit to the children. Help with form-filling and signposting to local services and help with phone calls form part of the service.

Senior Citizens Lunch Club and Drop-In
The lunch club meets on a Monday and the Drop-In on a Thursday Morning. The Lunch Club serves lunch every Monday. It is a great opportunity for friendships to be made, renewed and continued. Volunteers prepare and serve the meals every week.
The Drop-In meets every Tuesday and includes a variety of crafts and activities helping our senior citizens to meet together as a community and build friendships, learn new skills, develop their interests and share their experiences.

The Link Charity Shop
The Link Shop provides good quality second hand furniture at reasonable prices. The shop front promotes and enhances The Link's charitable work. It provides opportunities for volunteering for the local population by helping in the shop and delivering and collecting furniture in the van.